Summer Laundry Tips Queen City

Summer Laundry Tips

Posted August 18th, 2023

Summer is a time of vibrant colors, sunny days, outdoor adventures, and kids running through the door covered in grass or mud stains. Every parent knows that avoiding summer messes is almost impossible. However, the following laundry tips can help ensure your kid’s clothes stay clean, fresh, and ready for fun.

Let’s explore how to get rid of common summer stains, view recommended laundry appliances, and discover valuable summer laundry tips that will help you tackle everything from sweat stains to sunblock smudges. By implementing these simple changes to your laundry routine, you can keep your clothes looking their best throughout the season.

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Summer Laundry Tips: The Basics

During the summer, your clothes are exposed to a variety of elements, from sweat and dirt to sunscreen and chlorine. To ensure your clothes stay fresh and vibrant, consider these fundamental Summer Laundry Tips:

  • Separate Light and Dark: Before tossing your laundry into the machine, remember to separate light-colored garments from dark ones. This simple step helps prevent color bleeding and ensures your clothes maintain their original hues.
  • Customization: Counter-depth appliances come in various sizes and configurations, giving you the freedom to choose the best fit for your kitchen. From French door refrigerators to slide-in ranges, you can personalize your appliances to match your specific needs.
  • Pre-Treat Stains: Don't let stubborn stains ruin your summer fun. Before washing, treat stains with appropriate stain removers or a mixture of baking soda and water. This will significantly increase the chances of stain removal.
  • Lower Heat: Summer heat is already intense, so opt for a lower heat setting when drying your clothes. High temperatures can weaken fabrics and cause colors to fade.
  • Embrace Air Drying: Take advantage of the warm summer breeze by air drying your clothes whenever possible. Not only does this save energy, but it also helps preserve the quality of your garments. If you prefer using a dryer and are wondering which type of dryer is right for you, head to our blog “Gas vs Electric Dryer” to find out!
  • Mild Detergent: Choose a mild, phosphate-free detergent to clean your clothes. Harsh chemicals can damage delicate fabrics and irritate your skin.
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Summer Laundry Tips: Delicate Fabrics

Delicate fabrics require special care to prevent damage. Here's how to ensure their longevity:

  • Hand Wash Silk: Silk garments should be hand washed using a gentle detergent. Gently swish the fabric, rinse thoroughly, and avoid wringing.
  • Mesh Bags: Place delicate items in mesh laundry bags to protect them from friction and stretching during the wash cycle.
  • Skip The Dryer: Avoid using the dryer for delicate fabrics. Instead, lay them flat on a clean towel to air dry.

How To Get Rid of Tough Stains

Summer activities can lead to a range of challenging stains that make you dread laundry day; we are here to help. Here’s how to tackle some common culprits:

  • Sweat Stains: To remove sweat stains, create a paste using equal parts baking soda and water. Gently rub the paste onto the stain, let it sit for 30 minutes, then wash as usual.
  • Sunscreen Stains: Sunscreen can leave greasy marks on clothes. Apply a small amount of dish soap to the stain, gently scrub, and wash with cold water.
  • Grass Stains: Soak the clothes for at least 15 minutes in a 60/30 mixture of water and white vinegar. Dab at the stain with a clean white rag, then wash with an enzyme-based detergent. Grass stains are primarily made up of protein, so the enzyme-based detergent can help lift the stain.
  • Mud: Unlike grass stains, you want to let mud stains sit until the mud dries. Then remove the dried mud with a butter knife or a hand vacuum to get rid of clumps. Next, rub some liquid detergent into the stain and allow it to sit for around 15 minutes. Finally, use a stain remover to eliminate any final traces and throw into the washer like normal.
  • Sand: While this isn’t necessarily a tough stain, it can be a pain to deal with. Shake the clothing out once you get home to remove the bulk of the sand. Then soak the items in cold water for 10 minutes allowing the sand to separate from the fabric. Lastly, air-dry the fabric and any remaining sand should be easy to brush or shake off.

Tip: You’ll want to tackle grass stains as quickly as possible, the more time the stain has to set in, the harder it will be to remove.

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Shop The Best Washers For Sale

As the temperatures rise and you dive into summer activities, don't forget to adapt your laundry routine to keep your clothes looking and smelling their best. Upgrading to a quality washer and dryer will also help ensure you are well-equipped to tackle stains, preserve colors, and extend the life of your favorite garments. Discover the best front load washers, top load washers, front load dryers, and top load dryers at Queen City.

Browse the latest high-capacity washers from leading brands like Whirlpool, Maytag, Electrolux, Speed Queen, and more to reduce your average cycle time. What are you waiting for? Head to one of our appliance store locations in Charlotte, Salisbury, Morganton, Monroe, Pineville, Greensboro, and Winston-Salem, NC to upgrade your laundry routine today!

Commonly Asked Questions: Summer Laundry

Can I use bleach to remove stains from white clothes?

Bleach can be effective for white clothes, but use it sparingly to avoid weakening the fabric fibers. Consider using oxygen-based bleach as a gentler alternative.

Can I wash all types of swimwear in a washing machine?

Most swimwear can be safely washed in a machine, but be sure to check the care label. To extend the life of your swimwear, hand washing is recommended.

What should I do if my clothes develop a musty smell after air drying?

Musty odors can develop if clothes aren't completely dry before storage. Ensure clothes are thoroughly dry before folding or hanging them in your closet.

Can I wash my beach towels with other clothes?

It's recommended to wash beach towels separately from other clothes, as they tend to produce more lint. This prevents lint transfer and ensures your other garments stay clean.

Can I use vinegar to soften my laundry?

Yes, vinegar can be used as a natural fabric softener. Add half a cup of distilled white vinegar to the rinse cycle to help soften clothes without leaving a vinegar smell.

How can I prevent mold and mildew on damp towels and swimwear?

After use, hang damp towels and swimwear in a well-ventilated area to dry completely before storing them. Avoid leaving them in a humid environment.

Is it necessary to wash summer clothes more often than other seasons?

Depending on your activities and sweat levels, you might need to wash your summer clothes more frequently. However, avoid over-washing, as it can wear out fabrics faster.

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